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Our Journey
For over 5 years, TripGuru World has set the standard for extraordinary travel experiences. Founded with a passion for exploration and a commitment to exceptional service, our agency has flourished, becoming a trusted name in the travel industry.
Our Expertise
Based in Peru, TripGuru World initially focused on showcasing the wonders of South America. Our direct operations in Peru allowed us to cultivate deep-rooted connections with local communities and uncover hidden gems off the beaten path. This foundation of local expertise has been the cornerstone of our success, ensuring that each itinerary we craft offers a genuine, immersive experience.
Expanding Horizons
Driven by our dedication to enriching travel, TripGuru World has expanded its footprint to include Australia. This expansion allows us to offer our travelers even more diverse and captivating destinations to explore. From the rugged Outback to the vibrant cities of Sydney and Melbourne, our presence in Australia opens up a world of possibilities for unforgettable adventures.
TripGuru has arrived in Australia! 🇦🇺 Introducing our Meet & Assist service to ensure your arrival in Sydney is as smooth and worry-free as possible, whether you're visiting or relocating to this vibrant city. We're here to assist you from the moment you step off the plane.
Discover Sydney in Your Own Language!
*Please note: Meet & Assist service is currently available only in Sydney. *TripGuru World Australia is a proud member of IATA.
At TripGuru World Australia, we proudly belong to GALTA, the Australian LGBTQ+ Travel Association. We are committed to providing inclusive and welcoming travel experiences for all.
Nuestro servicio Meet & Assist se encarga de esperarte en el aeropuerto y llevarte hasta tu alojamiento con total seguridad y en tu idioma.
Con nosotros podrás obtener toda la ayuda que requieres para establecerte en tu nueva ciudad desde donde cambiar dinero ,abrir tu cuenta de banco, obtener tu linea móvil, familiarizarte con el transporte, preparar tu CV y ¡mucho más!
¿Aun te quedan dudas? contáctanos, estaremos disponible para poder ayudarte a resolver las dudas que tengas.
Recuerda ¡migrar no es sencillo!
Si ya tienes la confirmación nuestro equipo y enviaste los datos de tu vuelo entonces procede al pago con total seguridad a través de nuestro botón de pago.
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*Link de pago valido solo para servicios Meet & Assist
Te gustan los viajes, entonces genera tus propios ingresos con nosotros, escríbenos y conoce como.